The Nut Farm in Ottumwa was founded by Kent and Leisa Walker as an opportunity for their son Sam and other clients of a local special needs nonprofit to get their hands in the dirt. The 60-acre farm, located on the outskirts of Ottumwa just 30 minutes from Fairfield, includes an elegant tiny home, a large heated shed with a saloon on the second floor and smaller sheds nearby.
Kent and his family, along with caretaker Daryle Kaiser, a local John Deere employee, have planted nearly 5 acres in paw paws and chestnuts and many more acres are in prairie to restore soil and invite pollinators. Windbreaks of poplars and hazelnuts wave slowly behind a large solar array at the entrance.
Kent deeded the property to SILT this year with the assurance that Daryle can live onsite for as long as he chooses. In the spirit of breathing new energy into the place, Daryle has already revived a walnut husker he and his father made years ago and plans to invite people to come use it! The nonprofit First Resources is planning for clients to harvest and sell the produce from the farm.
Help SILT protect this amazing gift for good. Your donation helps offset due diligence and closing costs.
SILT Farms:
- Produce healthy, organic food to be consumed locally
- Support a new generation of farmers
- Promote sustainable farming, critical for long-term land conservation
- Keep Iowa farming dollars in Iowa