SILT is dedicated to creating affordable land access for Iowa’s sustainable food farmers.

What Does SILT Farming Look Like?

SILT farmers are committed to reinvesting their profits within their local communities, fostering economic growth and stability. By growing food locally and regionally, they help to strengthen our food systems and ensure fresh, healthy produce is available close to home.

These farmers practice sustainable agriculture, treating the land as a public resource to be nurtured and preserved. Their efforts contribute to cleaner water, healthier soils, and reduced pollution, supporting a healthier environment for all.

SILT farms are also dedicated to long-term land stewardship. The land is passed down sustainably from one farmer to the next, whether they are family members or not. This ensures that the land remains productive and continues to benefit future generations.

Why Protect Iowa Farmland?

Iowa’s farmland is a precious resource facing significant challenges. In the last five years, Iowa has lost an average of 275 acres of farmland per day to development. This alarming trend threatens our local food supply and the future of sustainable agriculture.

High land prices add another layer of difficulty, making it challenging for young people to pursue their farming dreams. With over half of Iowa’s farmland owned by individuals over 65 and one-third owned by those over 75, the future of this land is uncertain. If we don’t take action, we risk losing these invaluable resources and the opportunity to support the next generation of farmers.

Farm Your Way

SILT Farmers grow what table food they want to and sell it where they want to. Want to grow flowers, seeds, hemp or wine grapes too? Go for it!

If you don’t already agree that our sustainability standards are right for you, then SILT’s not a good fit for you, and that’s OK.

Ready to join our waiting list for a SILT farm? 

Start here to see what it takes!