Grow Together with
Sustainable Iowa Land Trust!

Mail Your Check to PO Box 306, West Branch, IA 52358

Blue Sky: $25,000/yr +

  • Extra large logo linking to your website displayed on website
  • Listed in print newsletter
  • Logo in Annual Impact Report
  • Feature article in newsletter
  • Thank you social media post
  • Press release announcing sponsorship
  • Extra large logo linking to your website in monthly email blasts for the year
  • Discussion with our leadership about more ways we can be a good partner for you!

Landscape: $10,000/yr +

  • Large logo linking to your website displayed on website
  • Listed in print newsletter
  • Logo in Annual Impact Report
  • Thank you social media post
  • Large logo linking to your website in monthly email blasts for the year

Farmstead: $3,000/yr. +

  • Medium logo linking to your website displayed on website
  • Listed in print newsletter
  • Logo in Annual Impact Report
  • Thank you social media post
  • Medium logo linking to your website in monthly email blasts for the year

Grassroots: $500/yr +

  • Reserved for small businesses and nonprofit partners
  • Listed in Annual Impact Report
  • Listed at bottom of website “Partner” page with link to your website

Contact Breanna today at
to discuss the best level for you and your business.

Share Our Values

With the World

Why become a Corporate Partner?

We get your business in front of our large, loyal audience and demonstrate the positive impact you are making in your community by supporting our work protecting our environment. All corporate partners are listed in our Annual Impact Report, which is sent to our supporters, Corporate Partners and other Iowans who are interested in our cause and the companies who support us.

Our Reach

  • Email: We have a database of 4,000 Iowans that we communicate with regularly and often by email and postal mail.
  • Social Media: Our Facebook page currently has over 3,800 followers, and growing! Most of our partnership levels include a post to feature and thank your business to help get your business in front of our passionate audience.

Benefits of becoming a Corporate Partner include:

  • Donations are tax-deductible. The Sustainable Iowa Land Trust (SILT) is a 501c3 nonprofit organization. All contributions are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law
  • Increase your company’s brand awareness and revenue.
  • Attract new customers.
  • Your company will be recognized as a supporter of your community and our environment.
  • Improve goodwill and increase customer loyalty. For example, 81 percent of Millennials expect companies to make a public commitment to good corporate citizenship (Horizon Media’s Finger on the Pulse study).
  • Boost employee morale and productivity.
  • Improve employee retention and attract exceptional new employees.
  • Volunteer opportunities to build teamwork, strengthen bonds between employees, create a positive workplace environment, and develop leadership skills.
  • You are helping protect natural lands, clean water, clean air, wildlife, and working farmland to provide fresh, healthy food to communities and improve quality of life.

Term of Corporate Sponsorship:

  • Corporate Partnership is annual

Contact Breanna Horsey today at to establish your partnership with Iowa’s farmland trust.