
Home >> Crop Book >> Livestock >> Cattle
Three cows of various colors stand in the shade of some trees.

Cattle operations include cow-calf, finishing and dairy. Know which is which before starting. Approximately four to five acres per cattle unit is ideal for regenerative practices. Not all grass is the same. Before purchasing animals, be sure to check what the best forage is for them. Cow-calf operations take an estimated 2 years for returns as the animals take longer than other livestock to finish. Small-scale dairy operations are high labor, high capital and low return. The ability for the local market to support such an operation should be considered carefully. Processed dairy products are legal in Iowa but raw milk is not.

Initial Costs

  • Winter hay
  • Fencing
  • Weaning
Cream of the Crop Resources:

GrassWorks Beef Guidebook

Stockman Grass Farmer