A diversity of crops and enterprises can build healthy resilience in any farm. The crops in this section are considered “niche” and yet have markets that can be explored and expanded in just about any community.
Some, like mushrooms, are especially suited for timber stands often located on the edges of crop fields.
This list will get you started, but there are many more possibilities than those included here. We encourage you to look into ginseng and other medicinal roots and herbs, consider a nursery business in sustainably harvested woodland plants and flowers, a business selling fresh or dried flower arrangements from prairie flowers and grasses, building furniture made from willow or woodcrafts from basswood. There are organizations like the Livestock Conservancy that will help you bring back heirloom breeds of different animals to increase the planet’s diversity, and organizations like Seed Savers Exchange that are always looking for people to grow out their heirloom seed for the same reason. There are vibrant, passionate communities around any of these that will help you get started and share your adventure with you, if you like.