Steve Beaumont receives a standing ovation from SILT supporters.
Steve Beaumont became the third Iowan to permanently protect his land to grow healthy food.
“I believe SILT will help rejuvenate our small towns and rural communities through its work,” Steve said. “And I’m looking forward to working with the young people on the land, to the extent they’d welcome it.”
120 SILT supporters gathered this year at the Greater Des Moines Botanical Garden to honor Steve and celebrate a great second year. Steve’s donation brings SILT protection to a total of 115 acres in just two years.
A retired carpenter, Steve lives in a modest home he built for himself in Northeast Iowa, looking out on timber and a prairie he has nurtured for years. But when he began to imagine that his beautiful view could do even more by being transformed into a diverse, nature-friendly food farm, he was intrigued.
Steve has already been matched with a young farming couple who are moving their 600 shiitake logs into his woods this winter. They will be renting an apartment Steve owns in nearby Garber, another way he and SILT are helping rejuvenate small towns!
More photos of Steve’s…oops, we mean SILT’s place!