Farmers, leaders, friends converge to tell media why SILT matters
Des Moines, Iowa, Jan. 28, 2015: Television, newspapers and radio along with supporters filled the space at Gateway Market this morning to hear about the new Sustainable Iowa Land Trust created to protect land to grow healthy food.

SILT President Suzan Erem and West Des Moines City Manager Tom Hadden show a map of SILT projects already begun around the state.
They heard from local farmers Larry Cleverly and Jason Clasen, West Des Moines City Manager Tom Hadden, developer Joe Pietruszynski of Hubbell Realty Co., Mary Ellen Miller, SILT’s first farmland donor, SILT President Suzan Erem, row cropper and investor Harn Soper and attorney Sheila Knoploh-Odole. Friend and supporter Des Moines Mayor Frank Cownie arrived late from another engagement and made himself available to reporters who were still there.
SILT’s first media coverage came the day before when Perry Beeman covered it in the Business Record. The first piece to come out of the press conference was from WHO-TV’s Reid Chandler. Thanks guys for getting a complicated issue right!
We’re looking forward to further coverage from the Des Moines Register and others. We’ll post as we get them.
If you’d like to see SILT in your local paper or on your radio station, contact us and tell us the media outlet. We’ll be sure to get in touch. Chances are we have a SILT leader in your neighborhood!