Lyle and Sue Luzum of Calmar will be honored at the SILT Third Annual Land Protector Recognition and Dinner Nov. 16 at Embassy Suites in Des Moines, Reception: 5:30 pm Dinner 6:30.

Lyle and Sue Luzum on the farm their family has farmed since 1873.
Reserve NOW and Help Honor the Luzum Family
(Interested in carpooling? Go here to get started.)
The Luzum family donated their 170-acre heritage farm to SILT earlier this year, the largest such donation of its kind ever. The application and selection process for a new farmer is ongoing while the Luzums begin their transition to town living and a retirement home they’ve purchased in Decorah.
“This is the most generous of gifts,” said President Suzan Erem. “The Luzums have provided a future of sustainable food farming to Northeast Iowa and a gift to SILT that will help us be here for the many generations we promise to protect the land.”
The SILT dinner will be sourced through FarmTable Delivery and Niman Ranch, which means every ticket supports not only SILT but Iowa food farmers across the state. The dinner will include a silent auction and other festivities.
Embassy Suites, which offers all-suite rooms, free breakfast, a fitness room and a pool. Our discounted room block is full up! Click Here to make your reservation.