Nut Farm

Nut Farm, nestled on the outskirts of Ottumwa, Iowa, is a 60-acre haven founded by Kent and Leisa Walker with a vision of inclusivity and sustainability. Originally established as an opportunity for their son Sam and other clients of a local special needs nonprofit to engage with nature, the farm has blossomed into a thriving agricultural venture. With a commitment to sustainable food production and community engagement, Nut Farm serves as a testament to the transformative power of land stewardship and compassion.


Kent and Leisa Walker, longtime residents of Wapello County, Iowa, embarked on their journey with Nut Farm in 2013. Purchasing the property, which had once been part of a larger family farm, they envisioned a future where sustainable agriculture and conservation practices could coexist harmoniously. Despite the challenges posed by erodible soils and a fragmented landscape, the Walkers forged ahead, guided by a deep love for nature and a desire to leave a positive impact on the land.

The Nut Farm parcel, steeped in history and natural beauty, offered the perfect canvas for their aspirations. Through the dedication of Kent, Leisa, and their community allies, including caretaker Daryle Kaiser and friends from Tenco Industries and First Resources, Nut Farm has undergone a remarkable transformation. Today, the farm boasts nearly 5 acres of paw paws and chestnuts, complemented by extensive prairie restoration efforts and windbreaks of poplars and hazelnuts.

Vision for the Future: 

With the recent donation of Nut Farm to SILT, Kent and Leisa Walker have ensured that their legacy will endure for generations to come. SILT’s commitment to preserving the farm’s agricultural integrity aligns seamlessly with the Walkers’ vision of sustainable land use and community enrichment. By fostering an environment of inclusivity and innovation, Nut Farm will continue to serve as a beacon of hope and possibility, inspiring future generations to cultivate a deeper connection with the land and each other.

Join the Journey: 

Be a part of Nut Farm’s legacy by supporting SILT’s mission to protect and preserve Iowa’s agricultural heritage. Together, we can nurture the seeds of sustainability and sow the seeds of change, creating a future where farms like Nut Farm thrive and flourish. Whether you’re a seasoned farmer, a passionate environmentalist, or a community advocate, there’s a place for you at Nut Farm. Join us as we embark on this transformative journey towards a brighter, more sustainable future for all.


Ottumwa, Iowa



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Farm Photos