Old Tree Farm

Situated in the picturesque landscapes of Wapello, Iowa, Old Tree Farm, currently known as Red Fern Farm, embodies a legacy of stewardship and commitment to perennial agriculture. SILT co-founders Tom Wahl and Kathy Dice, owners of Red Fern Farm, generously donated a conservation easement to the Sustainable Iowa Land Trust (SILT) in December 2020, ensuring the permanent protection of their 86-acre property.

The Wahl-Dice Legacy: 

Tom Wahl and Kathy Dice’s dedication to preserving agricultural land for perennial agriculture is a cornerstone of Old Tree Farm’s heritage. Over the past three decades, Red Fern Farm has evolved into a sanctuary of shade-making, soil-holding perennials, featuring a diverse array of fruit and nut plantings. Tom and Kathy’s commitment to environmental conservation and education is evident in their vision for the farm’s future.

Preserving Perennial Agriculture: 

The conservation easement placed on Old Tree Farm ensures that the invaluable ecosystem of perennial trees and shrubs remains protected from future development. With over 22 acres dedicated to a mosaic of mature and immature chestnut, pawpaw, persimmon, black walnut, heartnut, plum, Asian pear, and other food-producing trees, Old Tree Farm serves as a model of sustainable agriculture and biodiversity.

Educational Opportunities: 

Located within close proximity to both the Mark Twain and Port Louisa National Wildlife Refuges, Old Tree Farm provides ideal educational opportunities for visitors to Southeast Iowa. Kathy Dice’s background as a career naturalist underscores the farm’s commitment to environmental education and community engagement, ensuring that future generations have access to hands-on learning experiences in agroforestry and perennial agriculture.

Affordable Farmland for the Future: 

While Tom and Kathy have no immediate plans to relocate, the conservation easement on Old Tree Farm ensures that the land and home will remain affordable for future farmers. By significantly reducing the cost of the property compared to surrounding land, Old Tree Farm provides an opportunity for aspiring farmers to continue the legacy of sustainable agriculture in Southeast Iowa.

A Shared Vision: 

Old Tree Farm represents a collaborative effort to preserve and promote perennial agriculture, environmental conservation, and community resilience. Through the generosity of Tom Wahl and Kathy Dice, the farm stands as a testament to the enduring value of stewardship and sustainable land management practices.

Join Our Journey: 

Be a part of Old Tree Farm’s transformative journey towards perennial agriculture and environmental education. To learn more about Tom and Kathy’s journey on Red Fern Farm check out their website and follow them on Facebook. Follow our progress and discover how you can support our mission of preserving farmland for future generations. Together, we cultivate a greener, more resilient future.


Wapello, Iowa



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Farm Photos