Prairie Paradise

Nestled just five miles northwest of Decorah, Prairie Paradise Farm stands as a testament to the enduring spirit of stewardship and generosity. Ron and Karlene Humpal, the visionary custodians of this 164-acre sanctuary, have dedicated their land to the noble cause of fostering sustainable agriculture and nurturing the next generation of farmers.

A Legacy of Preservation:

In 2019, Ron and Karlene Humpal bestowed their cherished farm upon the farming community, driven by a profound commitment to safeguarding the watershed and revitalizing small-scale farming. Ron, a retired entrepreneur, and Karlene, whose lineage is intertwined with the agricultural legacy of Norman Borlaug, epitomize the ethos of giving back to the land and empowering aspiring farmers.

Empowering Future Generations:

While Prairie Paradise Farm remains enrolled in CRP until 2030, SILT, in partnership with the Humpals, extends a heartfelt invitation to the farming community to engage with the land and its stewardship. Aspiring farmers are encouraged to explore educational opportunities, participate in workshops, and connect with like-minded individuals who share a passion for sustainable agriculture.

A Shared Vision of Sustainability:

The Humpals’ decision to entrust Prairie Paradise Farm to SILT reflects a shared commitment to sustainability and community resilience. Lyle Luzum, a fellow steward of the land and member of the SILT board of directors, lauds the Humpals’ generosity, affirming that their gift will secure the financial future of SILT while offering affordable opportunities to aspiring food farmers in the Decorah area.

A Vision Realized:
Ron Humpal encapsulates the spirit of Prairie Paradise Farm, expressing his hope that the land will provide a livelihood for generations to come, rooted in sustainability and a deep reverence for nature. As Prairie Paradise Farm flourishes under the care of future farmers, Ron and Karlene find solace in witnessing the fruits of their labor and the enduring legacy of their benevolence.


Decorah, Iowa



Protected Year:


Protection Type:

Reserved Life Estate

Farm Photos