Nestled in the heart of Fairfield, Iowa, the Sustainable Living Coalition (SLC) encompasses a 12-acre campus dedicated to promoting sustainable living practices and fostering community resilience. Founded in 2004 as part of an Iowa Great Places grant awarded to the Town of Fairfield, SLC operates as a 501c3 non-profit organization, driven by a dedicated board of community members passionate about sustainability.


At SLC, the mission is to build a resilient local food system, promote regenerative agriculture practices, advocate for renewable energy adoption, address food insecurity challenges, and serve as a hub of education and community engagement. The Sustainable Education and Enterprise Design Center campus, anchored by the Eco Barn Event Center, embodies the commitment to sustainable living and environmental stewardship.

How It Started: 

SLC was initially formed in 2004 as part of the Iowa Great Places grant, which facilitated the purchase of the 12-acre campus and the eventual development of the Eco Barn facility. Over the years, the organization has evolved, with board members’ individual and collective passions shaping the mission and direction.

How It’s Evolved: 

Originally conceived as a center for permaculture design, education, and demonstration, the SLC campus has grown and adapted with the development of the Eco Barn facility. Much of the construction and development work has been accomplished by skilled volunteers, reflecting the community-driven approach to sustainability. While the roots remain in permaculture education, the mission has expanded to encompass all aspects of sustainable living, reflecting the evolving needs and priorities of the community.

Join the Community: 

Be a part of the Sustainable Living Coalition’s mission to promote sustainable living and environmental stewardship in Fairfield and beyond. Explore the campus, attend events, and engage with educational programs to learn how to make a difference in building a more resilient and sustainable future for all. Learn more at their website and follow them on Facebook. Together, positive change can be created and others can be inspired to embrace sustainable living practices.


Fairfield, Iowa



Protected Year:


Protection Type:

SILT Easement

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