Donate by Mail
Your gift helps permanently protect working farms, local food production and Iowa’s rural way of life.
Please make checks out to the “Sustainable Iowa Land Trust” and mail to:
Sustainable Iowa Land Trust
PO Box 306
West Branch, IA 52358

Donate by phone
Please call our office at (319) 800-8108 during business hours.
Monday : 8AM – 5PM
Tuesday : 8AM – 5PM
Wednesday : 8AM – 5PM
Thursday: 8AM – 5PM
Friday : 8AM – 5PM

Become a Monthly Donor
Monthly giving is less costly and more efficient for the Sustainable Iowa Land Trust (SILT), allowing your funds to go even further to protect more working farms while providing us with a reliable, sustainable source of funding. You are in control and can make changes to your account at any time. Your gift helps permanently protect working farms, local food production and Iowa’s rural way of life.

Make a Gift in Your Will
The most common form of a planned gift is a bequest. List the Sustainable Iowa Land Trust as a beneficiary in your will or living trust for a fixed amount or a percentage of your estate, and as a beneficiary of your life insurance or retirement accounts.
Don’t have a farm to donate? SILT accepts both farmable and non-farmable land. SILT reserves the right to sell or donate land we deem unfarmable, in our best judgment, in order to use the proceeds in acquiring farmable land, or as part of a “buy-protect-sell” effort to raise money to acquire farmable land for protection, then putting that land into the hands of farmers who will continue the legacy of sustainable, regenerative farming by selling it to them with an easement on it.
We Want to Thank You if you have included a gift for SILT in your estate plan, please let us know so that we can thank you for your special commitment.