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Fairfield SILTFest Draws Big Crowd

SILT hosted its annual Solstice SILTFest at the Sustainable Living Coalition in Fairfield in June. More than 75 people came to hear from speakers John Ikerd, Stuart Valentine and others and enjoy music by Steve McLain and Eric Hurlin. With the support of the Fairfield community, SILT was able to raise $10,000 to continue their mission of permanently protecting Iowa farmland to grow healthy food. SILTFests are free events with live music, food and drinks, and inspirational stories from land protectors and farmers. They are designed for residents interested in actively supporting SILT's efforts of land protection. Fairfield was [...]

2022-07-04T12:47:38-05:00June 29th, 2022|News|0 Comments

Des Moines Business Record Features SILT Campaign

Circling Our Cities with food farms can help stop hunger in Iowa. Read the article here. Photo caption: Jordan and Whitney Clasen are seen in a barn built on land they purchased near Earlham where they will begin planting produce on their farm, Grade A Gardens, which grows fresh fruits and vegetables they sell as part of a Community Supported Agriculture system, at farmers markets and to local restaurants. Photo by Duane Tinkey Sustainable Iowa Land Trust launches campaign to create food farms where they are needed most BY MICHAEL CRUMB Growing food closest to the people who need [...]

2023-07-21T09:25:48-05:00March 14th, 2022|News|0 Comments
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