2015 Land Prices – Isn’t there a better way to run a farm economy?
Oakland Institute Report: Down on the Farm
USA Today: State of Iowa Farmers in 2014 – Guess what? They’re growing more food!
Leopold Center’s Report on an Iowa Local Food and Farm Plan – It’s possible. Here are the numbers.
Jobs cut at John Deere due to commodity price drops – an ag economy that depends on more products won’t be as volatile
Donald Trump and others discuss land speculation and 2015 Land Prices at People’s Co. Land Expo
Climate change’s impact on ag – time to get creative
A series of reports from the Crossroads Resource Center, which has done regional reports that cover most of Iowa: Statewide Food Systems Assessments
Farmer’s Share of Retail Food Dollar
Did you know that farmers and ranchers receive only 15.8* cents of every food dollar that consumers spend on food at home and away from home?
EWG: About nonprofits owning farms – does land trust farming undermine other farmers?
“No one wants non-profit ventures to drive out commercial farm entrepreneurs, but in our experience, foundations and other charities have rarely financed farming operations that undercut farm businesses. If anything, charities have invested in efforts to create and widen demand through marketing channels for fresh local food – such as the growing movement to get local food into our schools – or to make urban farmers markets attractive for food stamp beneficiaries.”