
Western Iowa newspapers cover SILT

SILT's new Loess Hills Young People's Farm A swing through Western Iowa in September resulted in this excellent story running in the Clarinda Herald-Journal and the Council Bluffs Nonpareil. Thank you John Van Nostrand for such great work. The story highlights SILT's acquisition if our first farm, pictured here, just a few miles from downtown Council Bluffs. Interested in having SILT speak to your organization? We can address service clubs, churches, retirement communities, city leaders, community activists, political party gatherings of all stripes - just let us know. We'd be glad to line up a day or two in [...]

2015-10-06T21:18:57-05:00October 6th, 2015|News|0 Comments

SILT News Coast-to-Coast (almost)

SILT has been making the news across Iowa, nearly coast to coast!  Joe Driscoll, right, explains plans for the Young People's Farm to members of Omaha's City Sprouts. In mid-June, the Council Bluffs Daily Nonpareil covered SILT's "breaking new ground" party at the Loess Hills Young People's Farm, SILT's first acquisition ever with a nice feature including photos of this amazing farm. Kudos to the reporter tackling a complicated transaction. Now begins the 3-year campaign to raise the funds to make this farm a permanent part of the Council Bluffs/Omaha metro area foodshed! (Donations earmarked with "Young People's Farm" [...]

2024-01-09T08:50:56-06:00June 22nd, 2015|News|0 Comments

SILT’s friends and allies spread the word

Farmers, leaders, friends converge to tell media why SILT matters Des Moines, Iowa, Jan. 28, 2015: Television, newspapers and radio along with supporters filled the space at Gateway Market this  morning to hear about the new Sustainable Iowa Land Trust created to protect land to grow healthy food. SILT President Suzan Erem and West Des Moines City Manager Tom Hadden show a map of SILT projects already begun around the state. They heard from local farmers Larry Cleverly and Jason Clasen, West Des Moines City Manager Tom Hadden, developer Joe Pietruszynski of Hubbell Realty Co., Mary Ellen Miller, SILT's first farmland donor, [...]

2023-07-21T10:30:58-05:00January 21st, 2015|News|0 Comments
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