slow money

SILT in the News

SILT has been making waves across the country and across the "pond!"  In addition to our very own feature in Civil Eats last month, great stories in the Manchester Guardian and Rodale Institute's This Organic Life brought readers news of the innovative land access work we're doing here in Iowa. SILT  provides affordable land access to young farmers, gives retiring farmers and landowners peace of mind, advocates nature-friendly, neighborhood-friendly farming, increases our supply of healthy food, sets the trend among land trusts for focusing on farms, improves Iowa's water quality through private sector, voluntary programs, provides opportunity to Slow Money investors [...]

2017-04-18T16:39:53-05:00April 18th, 2017|News|0 Comments

SILT on the National Stage

Here's SILT's latest news - CNN, Mark Bittman, new staff and more! Look for us at the CNN Town Hall meeting tonight, and sign up for your own SILT updates at In November 2014, before the Sustainable Iowa Land Trust officially launched, we took a leap of faith standing in front of 800 billionaires, millionaires and regular folk at the Slow Money National Gathering in Kentucky. Out of 100 applicants, we were among 21 selected to tell our story. On stage with Slow Money founder Woody Tasch and other Beetcoin winners in Kentucky. We rocked the house! For the next two [...]

2024-09-25T10:28:15-05:00January 25th, 2016|News|0 Comments

The Story of SILT

Out of more than 100 applicants only 21 were permitted to present at the Slow Money National Gathering in Kentucky, 2014. SILT was there...and we won. See founder Suzan Erem's 6-minute presentation that brought national attention, and hope, for healthy food production in Iowa.

2015-04-21T23:33:41-05:00April 21st, 2015|News|0 Comments

SILT wins $20,000 from Slow Money

The Slow Money National Gathering in November 2014 offered the Sustainable Iowa Land Trust an opportunity to speak to more than 800 investors, entrepreneurs and other Slow Money fans about our vision for the future of Iowa. In Slow Money's "Beetcoin" campaign, attendees voted for SILT to receive a 3-year, $20,000 interest-free loan, an endorsement from people across the country that our work is vital to the future of agriculture. Here's the full one-hour panel discussion, including the SILT presentation and the question and answer period that followed.

2024-02-08T10:50:51-06:00January 20th, 2015|News|0 Comments
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