Now is Our Time

April 2020 We hope you and yours are staying safe. We thank the healthcare, service and manufacturing workers who go out into this dangerous world every day, risking their lives to keep us home and fed. And we mourn those we've lost to this insidious virus and our overburdened healthcare system. Now is our time to rise above our fear and be the people we aspire to be. For me, that means generous, grateful and motivated to build a better world. Keeping SILT going strong is how I do it, because I know this work is a permanent solution that will [...]

2024-09-25T10:15:16-05:00April 22nd, 2020|News|0 Comments

SILT on the National Stage

Here's SILT's latest news - CNN, Mark Bittman, new staff and more! Look for us at the CNN Town Hall meeting tonight, and sign up for your own SILT updates at In November 2014, before the Sustainable Iowa Land Trust officially launched, we took a leap of faith standing in front of 800 billionaires, millionaires and regular folk at the Slow Money National Gathering in Kentucky. Out of 100 applicants, we were among 21 selected to tell our story. On stage with Slow Money founder Woody Tasch and other Beetcoin winners in Kentucky. We rocked the house! For the next two [...]

2024-09-25T10:28:15-05:00January 25th, 2016|News|0 Comments

SILT’s friends and allies spread the word

Farmers, leaders, friends converge to tell media why SILT matters Des Moines, Iowa, Jan. 28, 2015: Television, newspapers and radio along with supporters filled the space at Gateway Market this  morning to hear about the new Sustainable Iowa Land Trust created to protect land to grow healthy food. SILT President Suzan Erem and West Des Moines City Manager Tom Hadden show a map of SILT projects already begun around the state. They heard from local farmers Larry Cleverly and Jason Clasen, West Des Moines City Manager Tom Hadden, developer Joe Pietruszynski of Hubbell Realty Co., Mary Ellen Miller, SILT's first farmland donor, [...]

2023-07-21T10:30:58-05:00January 21st, 2015|News|0 Comments
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