
White Privilege in Iowa

This recent article by former Drake Ag Law School Director Neil Hamilton and published on Bill Moyer's website. It is what white privilege looks like in Iowa. It starts with land ownership and the policies that landowners, starting with the very first European settlers, were able to get passed on their behalf. Want to change the arc of that history? Join SILT and treat Iowa farmland as a common good, not a commodity. Learn more here. 

2020-09-07T13:48:05-05:00September 7th, 2020|News|0 Comments

Landowners! Sign Up for Sundog TODAY

Landowners can learn how vegetables and livestock work together in a farm system at SILT's Showcase Day Sept. 2 at 1 pm hosted by Sundog Farm in Solon. You'll learn how to preserve your farm and what you'll learn from a free land consultation with SILT. Register HERE to get the link. This free event is designed to illustrate many crops in SILT's new Landowners Guide to Sustainable Food Crops. If you've inherited land in Iowa or are thinking about growing something new, this book and field day are for you!

2020-08-15T12:52:33-05:00August 15th, 2020|News|0 Comments

We Invite You to Build a Fairer Iowa

The days are short, the dark is cold, the stars are bright. It’s time for inside work. My inside work today is a story about trust, a story that includes you and that does not end today. In November 2014, twenty-five people came together in Perry IA to decide whether or not to launch the Sustainable Iowa Land Trust. They represented 25 leaps of faith. Bill Stowe, Denise O’Brien, Fred Kirschenmann, Cornelia and Jan Flora - people who had spent their lives creating an Iowa that offered a fair shake for every person. They knew that justice – from [...]

2024-09-25T09:05:40-05:00December 28th, 2019|News|Comments Off on We Invite You to Build a Fairer Iowa
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