
About Suzan

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So far Suzan has created 47 blog entries.

Recorded Live Chats During Covid-19

We miss you! Since we can't meet in person for now, members of the SILT family are offering 30-minute chats of what they do and know! We invite you to be a part of the solution here in Iowa. Please consider a donation that reflects what you think it's worth to keep SILT's work going! Thank you! Stay til the end and see Joe stick his hand into a swarm of bees! Will Laurentzen of Jupiter Ridge Farm talks shiitake mushrooms Part I Part II Part III SILT Farm Specialist [...]

2020-08-07T11:36:45-05:00June 5th, 2020|News|0 Comments

What do Equity and Inclusion Look Like?

This was the (corrected) lead story in SILT's June 2020 Update which can be read in full here. Land ownership has always been the measure and power of the wealthiest people in our country. America was built on land speculation. In 1773, "Two land companies had been created to speculate in the West...the Ohio Company of Associates, which proposed to purchase 500,000 acres beyond the Ohio River; and the Loyal Land Company, organized by Peter Jefferson...which aimed publicly at buying 800,000 acres of Kentucky but privately had ambitions of exploring and acquiring millions more..." George Washington was a surveyor, and [...]

2020-06-08T16:26:13-05:00June 3rd, 2020|News|0 Comments

Now is Our Time

April 2020 We hope you and yours are staying safe. We thank the healthcare, service and manufacturing workers who go out into this dangerous world every day, risking their lives to keep us home and fed. And we mourn those we've lost to this insidious virus and our overburdened healthcare system. Now is our time to rise above our fear and be the people we aspire to be. For me, that means generous, grateful and motivated to build a better world. Keeping SILT going strong is how I do it, because I know this work is a permanent solution that will [...]

2024-09-25T10:15:16-05:00April 22nd, 2020|News|0 Comments

Notice to Supporters re: COVID-19

March 17, 2020 Early last week, we began taking precautions at SILT to protect our staff, landowners and supporters from the spread of COVID-19. Staff are working from home. Board and committee meetings are done by video. Events are postponed. We hope everyone will follow the CDC recommendations so we can get through this as quickly and painlessly as possible. But thankfully, our work protecting land can and will continue. Farm Specialist Joe Klingelhutz uses social distancing and clean hands on his land walks. Besides, a walk outside is just what the doctors order! Iowa landowners can contact him anytime to make [...]

2020-03-27T12:21:52-05:00March 17th, 2020|News|0 Comments

Michael Dugan to Play SILTFest Iowa City!

EVENT CANCELED DUE TO COVID-19 OUTBREAK. Young acoustic artist Michael Dugan to Debut at SILTFest Iowa City! Michael Dugan is a singer/songwriter from Fairfield, Iowa. Known for his melodically intricate music coupled with poetic lyricism focusing on the introspective, Michael’s songwriting highlights the subtle inspiration ever-present in day to day living on the Iowa country side. 5 years since returning to Fairfield, he’s performed with countless bands including Dagmar, Captain Ascender, Cubits, Geodes, and recently launched his solo project. Come hear Michael and catch up on the latest from SILT in Eastern Iowa! Get ready for door prizes and [...]

2020-03-27T12:26:09-05:00March 4th, 2020|News|0 Comments

What Iowa’s Land Use Says About Our Values

The week before the Iowa Caucuses of 2020, Dave Murphy of Food Democracy Now invited SILT Executive Director Suzan Erem to speak at a summit called Farmers, Soil and Climate in Des Moines. Other speakers included George Naylor, John Whitaker, Francis Thicke and other Iowa greats with the keynote coming from bestselling author Frances Moore Lappe. Every candidate had a spokesperson at the event.

2020-02-16T15:29:19-06:00February 16th, 2020|News|0 Comments

Report Offers Non-Operator Landowner Insights

Some findings include: A majority of non-operator landowners live an average of 15 miles away from their land. More than half have farmed themselves, and 1/4 have helped their parents farm. They own a median of 171 acres, 150 of which are farmed. 96% report considering soil quality when making management decisions. Less than 1/3 consider it a long-term real estate investment. 84% of them are in year-to-year leases with their operators... But 81% were willing to offer longer leases for the sake of improved conservation. Download Report

2023-07-21T10:48:47-05:00February 15th, 2020|News|0 Comments
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